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    Friday, October 29, 2021

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Is dual wielding better than using a shield?

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Is dual wielding better than using a shield?

    Is dual wielding better than using a shield?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2021 06:48 AM PDT

    What im wondering is dual wielding good? If so whats the best dual wield for pve and pvp? If not then what is the best build for both pve and pvp?

    submitted by /u/Secter132
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    I'm sure I'm doing this all wrong, but I'm having fun! Love this game!

    Posted: 28 Oct 2021 06:27 PM PDT

    Background: I'm not a big gamer at all. If I use terms here inappropriately, don't think too badly of me. I use the terms as I understand them. Outside of the simple games like Mario and Zelda and such, I haven't done much. I played Fallout 1 and 2, and enjoyed the open world/ turn based play. Not a fan of FPS. I like to have time to plan my next move.

    How I started VFO: I was looking around for games to play on my phone when I had time to kill, like sitting in a waiting room at the doctor's office. Found this one, and it had the features I liked and a good storyline.

    My first run: Ran through the whole game, making a lot of mistakes, killed Sava, and he killed everyone else. Rebirthed, and the enemies got so much harder, and it seemed like they were giving me less XP and loot for my efforts. Got very far, then quit playing that one and started from scratch. It's good reference point, though.

    My current run: I've avoided some of the mistakes of my first run. I didn't waste gold buying better gear too early. I didn't waste bloodstones by upgrading lower tier gear. I had forgotten much of the lore, and I paid more attention to it. I like talking to random characters and getting immersed in the often goofiness of their dialogue and even their sometimes silly names.

    What I'm doing right now: Grinding and farming. Mostly grinding. I have a lot of time to kill, so I'm trying to get to level 100 before I rebirth. I hope to get there before the end of the year. Farming gold, shards, and bloodstones along the way, but there's no sense of urgency. Grinding with one hand, typing with the other. I've already gotten the Epic Brutal Slayer Trophy in Normie mode. Not sure if I get a second chance at that after rebirth, or if there's another trophy I can win. Cleared 2 brutal mazes in Normie, but I don't think I can get any more before rebirth. I'm gonna try, though, once I level up a bit.

    I know I'm still making mistakes, but I'm making less of them, and I'm having so much fun rediscovering the folklore of this world.

    submitted by /u/Just_A_Tiny_Bite
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