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    Tuesday, October 20, 2020

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Just now getting around to posting this but this is why I don’t do blood moon, I died the next hit

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Just now getting around to posting this but this is why I don’t do blood moon, I died the next hit

    Just now getting around to posting this but this is why I don’t do blood moon, I died the next hit

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 09:48 AM PDT

    Kamengrad (or Smuggler's Bay maybe)?

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 07:16 AM PDT

    So, unless I am utterly crazy I with this NPC in Kamengrad (MOST LIKELY) a few days ago and I remember he/she saying some interesting stuff about wagons, like, noteworthy interesting but he/she didn't give a quest so I was like "Whatevers" but now I forgot what the NPC said and I wanna read it again 😅😅😅 Could someome plz help me out if you happens to talk to said NPC in (MOST LIKELY) Kamengrad?

    Things to take into account:

    1: It DIDN'T give a Quest so it is highly unlikely related to the Arsonic Quest from Smuggler's Bay; 2: Not the Wagon Owner; 3: Not the Mental Escapee.

    It was just a really interesting thing said by a NPC but somehow it was not a Quest and now I am curious to re-read what he/she said. I looked evrywhere in the city but not enough since I did not found said person again. Thx for reaching at the end of my text.

    submitted by /u/TundraMeadow
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    Shady Reseller?!

    Posted: 20 Oct 2020 01:41 AM PDT

    Found this guy in Woodland Market but he doesn't sell things, empty slots. What is he there for? Didn't recognize him yet...

    submitted by /u/zaccoborok
    [link] [comments]

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