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    Wednesday, August 25, 2021

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Two devices, one account.

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Two devices, one account.

    Two devices, one account.

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 11:37 AM PDT

    I play this on my phone but it's getting hot while playing (basic oppo phone). I also have a Chromebook, if I wanted to play this on the tablet is it best to delete the game on the mobile or can I keep it on both? Obviously not for using at the same time.

    My account is linked with the Google Play Store option.

    submitted by /u/Whole-Award2092
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    Mobile: Purchase guide?

    Posted: 24 Aug 2021 02:18 PM PDT

    Thank you for reading.

    I have played a bit on ios and recently switched to android, lost my account (I believe ios cloud save isn't connecting with Facebook btw).

    Not worried about it ; I'd pay for this game 10x over. It's fine, really.

    That said I am going to a) start from scratch b) make all of the meta purchases asap c) not purchase anything that can be directly earned in game.

    Is there a guide to this end, or would any of you please chip in your advice?

    For context I became confused over (spoiler) some sort of wings package on the second map? And is purchasing the top tier wings game breaking? Would a 2 or 3 might wing be a better plan? Buy Two swords? And Beginner/starter bonus offer?

    submitted by /u/Alternative-Ant7745
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