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    Monday, October 19, 2020

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Ignisius's Quest and Suggestions

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Ignisius's Quest and Suggestions

    Ignisius's Quest and Suggestions

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 05:07 AM PDT

    1st: How do I activate his quest? I remember that I have to give him 3 Bat Travel Potions on previous Rebirths but when I got there today he just told me to not get closer so obviously I haven't done something now that I did on other Rebirths but I have Z-E-R-O idea of what it is, plz halp


    • Fire that looks like fire & lightning that looks like lightning (Dark and Magic are ok-ish aside from post-hit "fireworks"). Like, why when the mobs use magic attacks they get this super cool animation and energy but when we use Conjure it's just one lame-@@$ ball?

    Enemy: casts a cool shiny fire attack😮. Player: orange ball 😑

    Enemy: casts a sparkling attack with lightning coming out in all directions😮. Player: yellow ball 😑

    Seriously, that looks so bad, plz make Conjuring look better than a colored ball. Also, why not matter what Element you decide to use, the after blast thingies are always that of the Dark Element, at least make the fireworks-like effect on the same color of the 🏐

    Bows and Arrow with Piercing Damage? Torns are a real pain for physical users on the Dungeons, that would make it more bearable. It could even deny the Counter Attack on PvP, right?

    Restockable Merchants: Why isn't this a thing already? Make it weekly or something, it is really annoying for starters having to Rebirth before buying the same Ring and/or Weapon, specially those from the Huts of Mangrove. The Reset Lady (Anna the Undoer I think) is supposed to reset Merchants shops but that is not true anymore. This last suggestion was made in name of a friend who started playing 3 days ago and I agree because I remember that there were Rings with the effects you needed but you could only get it once per Rebirth, it was annoying to me back then and it is annoying to other now.

    P.S: After 93 days of Daily Brutal hunting on my main account I made a mistake and now it is back to 0 😫😭 I bought the Alchemist Form because I felt like it after noticing that my Wild Brutal 50% Chance and 10% XP were about to run out. It was really cool, they give 18 more minutes I think, as long as you do not change Forms ofc (as in, if you are using the Alchemist Form, there is 18 minutes left before whatever Potion timer end but you change form again the will be gone and you will lose the effects of the Potion, friendly advice). Anyways, I was so focused hunting WILD Brutals that I forgot to do the DAILY Brutal... so when I stopped the Wild hunting I was like "I must have done the Daily Brutal aswell." I didn't... first time that I close the game before checking and this happens, hex yay...

    submitted by /u/TundraMeadow
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    Red Dragonling?!?!

    Posted: 19 Oct 2020 01:19 AM PDT

    Does anyone know the location for the red dragonling?

    submitted by /u/IvyTatiana
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