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    Friday, September 24, 2021

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Twin vampire bats

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Twin vampire bats

    Twin vampire bats

    Posted: 24 Sep 2021 09:54 AM PDT

    How does this work on console?

    Posted: 24 Sep 2021 05:39 AM PDT

    So, I've played this game a bit on my phone, and just noticed it's on Xbox. How does that work? The game seems very mobile-y with P2W stuff, ads, premium currency, microtransactions, etc. Then there's PVP and guilds and stuff.

    How could this game work out on console?

    Also, and this is a bit unrelated, what happens if you pay the few bucks for supporters and remove ads? Do you automatically get the bonus XP/gold, have chests open, and get rewards from the dude in town with no ad?

    submitted by /u/Hairy_Mouse
    [link] [comments]

    This game needs serious re-balance.

    Posted: 23 Sep 2021 04:47 PM PDT

    What the hell is that skull hammer thing that hits maxed out armor for 2500 damage every hit and stuns every single hit? Some serious bs in pvp. Is that thing some legacy super weapon? Why do my axe with max crit and every slash boosting item in the game hit for 1000 damage and this guy with hammer crits more often than I do and stuns every other hit? This game needs some serious rebalancing. Why can someone hit me tens times in a row when I have max shield and block, but they block my hits 4 out of 5 times. This game is garbage. Whats up with the pvp balance? Unless you are some uber legacy player with unknown items its really not worth even trying this game for pvp.

    submitted by /u/OldUnderstanding6967
    [link] [comments]

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