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    Friday, May 28, 2021

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Spell Viability.

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Spell Viability.

    Spell Viability.

    Posted: 27 May 2021 05:02 PM PDT

    I see a lot of posts and comments that say that spells are not a viable option end game, I am here to state that I don't believe this to be true at all.

    I purely use spells and even my weapons are made to help them and on average (I am level 70) I am dealing about 14,000 damage per turn after the third as a mix of bat swarm, Conjure, and poison for some additional D.O.T which quickly annihilates any opponents I face. even the god of brutals who is resistant to all types of spell damage and poison was quickly dispatched at epic tier without any difficulty.

    the main focus of spells is of course finding equipment that boosts spell damage and increases the level of your control abilities.

    Another thing to mention is that if I use Magus to exploit an enemy weakness I generally deal around 18,000 per turn. (that's much more of an estimation than the 14k I gave earlier)

    I would not be vouching for spells if they were only viable in PVE either I have found that PVP allows them to be just as viable if not more so than a melee option, I obviously can't give a consistent DPS for PVP as resistances of players adjust to great extents but I have a general K/D ratio of 2 which considering many of the top tier players have a K/D of 1 its seeming pretty good.

    Also to anyone wondering I have not spent any money on this game other than a little bit to get rid of Advertisements.

    submitted by /u/Dragolith99
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