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    Thursday, May 27, 2021

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Flavor text for all the Wild Brutals (BIG WALL OF TEXT INCOMING) Can be read at wiki

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Flavor text for all the Wild Brutals (BIG WALL OF TEXT INCOMING) Can be read at wiki

    Flavor text for all the Wild Brutals (BIG WALL OF TEXT INCOMING) Can be read at wiki

    Posted: 27 May 2021 09:36 AM PDT


    The Mother of Wolves is a Wild Brutal that stands as tall as the trees and has been the end of many a Master Hunter. She prowls the forests of Avan and will slaughter any traveler stupid enough to diverge from the main road.

    She is attracted to the smell of Waffleflower and only a Master Hunter would be brave (or suicidal) enough to wear this scent.


    Xaphxan the Invisible is a Brutal spirit that haunts the Kamengrad Ruins. Once one of the most respected and trusted professors of Kamengrad University, his obsession with the corruption of the Kamengrad Ruins has led him to the grim undeath he now leads.

    Mercilessly preying upon any researcher who dares to let their guard down in his presence, he uses his invisibility to stay out of sight from both his prey and his only rival, Master Hunter Lav, who uses the scent of Lip Balm to draw him out and weaken his hold on the ruins.


    Aendisea's Bane is a brutal that embodies nature's merciless power. Rising from the ashes of Aendisea's Ruins, and being the incarnation of nature's wrath, the Bane towers over even the most ancient trees of the Shadowvalley. Not many know of it's existence, for good reason, since it remained dormant within the very temple where the Aendiseans tried to control the uncontrollable.

    It can only be awoken by lighting the fire in front of said temple, ignoring the long-forgotten warnings that are the only sign of the Bane's victims. The fool who would dare should avoid the Ruins of Aendisea on pain of death, for even the monstrous Beast of the Valley refuses to hunt on the Bane's territory.


    The mysterious pillar and hidden nightmare of the Dreary Mire : Lernaean, a Brutal and possibly cannibalistic swamp behemoth. Many souls have perished in the murky depths of the Mire, most of them at the bloody axes of this Brutal.

    With footsteps that shake the earth and a bloodcurdling roar that can be heard all over the Mire, Lernaean is an inescapable and gory fate for those so hated by the gods that they find themselves in battle against this giant.


    Styx's Servant is a Brutal spectre. A bringer of death and the uncontested lord of Angel's Fall Cemetery, Styx's Servant corrupts the land with his very presence on this mortal plane. He may not be Styx himself, but that hardly means anything to his legion of victims. As one of the strongest Brutals around Easthaven, he is continuously enlarging his dominion of souls by reaping the souls of the unwitting humans who remained ignorant to the warnings of the cemetery's spirits.

    Do not spend too long in this cemetery or you too, will become just another spirit forever bound to the will of Styx's Servant.


    The Tusk Trio is a deceptively dangerous trio of massive boars that roams the forest of Borewood. They are no ordinary boars, for no normal boar can make an Master Hunter fear for their life, and rightfully so.

    Flee from Borewood silently if you see a trio of wildboars and never, ever mistake them for easy pickings, or you will pay for that insult with your life.


    The Rat King is a Brutal rat that rules over the Niwokee Swamps. Born of fire and worshiped by the people of the Niwokee village, this king among kings towers over the tallest of men and has effortlessly obliterated villages that have become complacent under his rule.

    Many an adventurer's journey has begun by slaying a rat, and just as many have been slain by the Rat King in return. Hug the mountain surrounding the swamps all you who are weak of body and mind, or the Rat King's snack you shall become.


    Of the 21 Brutals, Enigma is easily the most myterious. He is everywhere yet only reveals himself when he wishes. He appears as a giant specter in the image of his Riddlers - the strange hermits that seem to be his devoted heralds - and wields devastating spells.

    If you carry his talisman, know that you have condemned yourself to a life of eternal danger. Never leave the cities for, if you dare, you will not live to regret that mistake. No creature has ever survived Enigma's wrath before, and you will be no different.


    Do not falter now, hero of the Wild. You have come far from such humble origins.

    Your destiny awaits you in the Brutal Catacombs, if you are brave enough to face it.

    submitted by /u/Illustrious_Worry761
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