• Breaking News

    Monday, June 22, 2020

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Vampire Hunters

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Vampire Hunters

    Vampire Hunters

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    Sometimes I like to Bite Vampire Hunters to death. I wonder if they appreciate the irony. 😉

    submitted by /u/zygotepariah
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    Update: Post Flairs

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 06:20 AM PDT

    I would be adding post flairs to this subreddit. (You should be able to add it yourself) . Everyone can now filter by the post flairs if they want to.

    There is little now but more would come!

    submitted by /u/TSRXDD
    [link] [comments]

    Hemorrhage doing 1 dmg per turn...buggy?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 06:22 PM PDT

    Better not skill beehind that or what? I dont want to hear use shild..i hate shilds^

    submitted by /u/Kornesh1
    [link] [comments]

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