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    Vampire's Fall: Origins Fighting bug

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Fighting bug

    Fighting bug

    Posted: 01 Jul 2021 04:20 AM PDT

    Every time i try and defeat a spirit in a haunted house at kamengrad ruins i can't fight, the buttons don't work and i can't do any thing, and it is also happening with normal spirits. Can you please fix this?

    Edit: this only happens with spirits in the kamengrad ruins.

    Edit 2: i kind of fixed it by trying the haunted house multiple Times but keep commenting answers for people with the same problem.

    submitted by /u/yamamatree
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    Lore for "Mother of Wolves"

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 10:59 AM PDT


    The Mother of Wolves is a massive, vigilant Brutal that reigns over Avan's wildlands. Her hearing and sense of smell is indescribably keen, but ever since the Uprising, she has never been the same terror she once was. But for such a giant beast, she is also incredibly stealthy.

    In Avan's history

    For as long as Avan has lived, its Brutal specter has always challenged its every move. Wherever Avan ends, the Mother of Wolves' territory begins.

    Avan's hunters have long been hailed as the perfect example of stealth, as the shadows of the night and as nature's silent assassins, and for good reason. In the Mother of Wolves' domain, a loud hunter is a dead hunter, and when a single misstep can end your life, you learn quickly.

    To hunt in unison with the Mother of Wolves, one must first master camouflage, silence, and the wind.

    Only when you have mastered those three elements, can you become one with the forest and conquer sight, scent, and sound.

    Here, even the sound of your own arrows can spell your death. Hunters here know to step back and wait before harvesting a fresh kill, lest they be caught out in the open by the forest's ever-present sentinel. Over a third of hunter kills are lost to the Mother of Wolves, speaking to the Brutal's otherworldly senses.

    The Uprising

    Many centuries ago, a hunting party was assembled to hunt down the Mother of Wolves and cripple its senses. The Mother of Wolves did not come out of the battle unscathed, having been blinded in one eye and having had one of its front legs removed. Ultimately, the brave hunters had succeeded in their final mission, but not without paying the ultimate price.

    Their sacrifice was not in vain though, as the next generations vowed never to forget their heroism, inspiring a new, massive wave of hunters, and elevating huntsmen to a mythical status among Avan's residents. For the first time in history, one could now hunt without fear of reprisal from the forest's guardian.

    All of these factors combined transformed Avan from a small, humble town into this prospering city where the greatest of hunters hail from.

    Avan's Heroes

    Even with its newfound wealth, Avan never forgot its roots. The Avan Memorial ensures that the altruism and courage of the fallen will live on in the hunters of today for eons to come.

    In addition, the battle of the Uprising had left the Mother of Wolves with a severe fear of fire, which the next generations mercilessly took advantage of.

    In time, the fires of Avan would become a symbol of hunter pride, becoming a way to honor all of the brave souls that fought in the Uprising.

    submitted by /u/Illustrious_Worry761
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