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    Tuesday, June 1, 2021

    Vampire's Fall: Origins So about my 100 gold achievement, dungeon sets and more.

    Vampire's Fall: Origins So about my 100 gold achievement, dungeon sets and more.

    So about my 100 gold achievement, dungeon sets and more.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 06:59 AM PDT

    I was always and still am a f2p player, I got the silver badge for lair for being a closed beta tester. Getting to 100m gold was never really the goal, I started farming when dungeons got released because I needed bloodstones. I would propably stop if I would get all sets. I was playing for 12 hours a day with occasional one or two days breaks to not burn out. With a gear I have been using I managed to farm around 500k gold a day with bloodstones dropping between 50 to 100 (Assuming I played for 12hours).

    Whenever bloodmoon came around I dived into SoD because the dungeon gives good lbl, has an insane bloodstone refunding and is a high tier dungeon, Every single time since the dungeons came out I did not miss a single weekend when I didn't do SoD. Spending 32 hours every weekend on running the dungeon and usually getting 1.5m-2m gold, 10 lbl and still having times when I didn't get a set piece so I had to run some netherworlds to try my luck with the rest of my bloodstones just to be disappointed by getting a duplicate or nothing at all.

    Something like this doesn't require much attention so I had lot of time to think about the game. Creating some interesting or unusual builds/ideas for both PvP and PvE. I could make detailed guides about it and other kind of videos to show that min. Maxed PvP meta is not the only way to play the game but for who?

    submitted by /u/Rovik-Rovikus
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    New chest collection tracking tool

    Posted: 01 Jun 2021 09:46 AM PDT

    So I got tired of having to recheck ALL the chest locations at the end of every rebirth because I couldn't remember which ones I had already collected in the course of completing quests. So I made this chest tracker map site with checkboxes that saves your progress to your browser's local storage. Check it out and let me know what you think 🙂. I got the maps from the r/VFOGuides subreddit, so a big "thank you" goes to their makers!


    submitted by /u/khaosFF6
    [link] [comments]

    100million gold, dungeon set pieces still missing (leumas gloves and allets pants). Will be making lengthy post later regarding this, my farming and the game itself. (Maybe detailed video too)

    Posted: 31 May 2021 02:12 PM PDT

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