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    Wednesday, June 30, 2021

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Lore for "Beast of the Valley"

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Lore for "Beast of the Valley"

    Lore for "Beast of the Valley"

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 12:13 PM PDT


    The Beast of the Valley is a bloodthirsty and territorial Brutal that stalks the vast expanse of the Shadowvalley.

    Description The Beast has a stocky and muscular build. It also has a very thick hide, large jaws, and a powerful neck. The Brutal is built low to the ground and may be capable of climbing trees like its brethren. It can only support such a large, powerful frame because of the massive trolls which it sustains on.

    Master Hunter Lav has recently confirmed that the Beast makes its home in a troll cave that is found in the southeastern corner of the Shadowvalley. There is no mistaking the Beast's lair for a troll lair, as the entrance is much wider than any troll lair in the area. Many Hunters believe that the Beast moved into a troll lair and made it larger by crushing the stone walls with its massive jaws.

    Master Hunter Lav also noted that the Beast only strays from its lair when it is hunting. Unfortunately, he could not find out how often the Beast hunts, and at what time of the day it hunts.

    For now, the official estimate is that the Beast hunts Shadowvalley trolls every 2 or 3 days. Most hunters also believe that it hunts at dusk like its smaller cousins, the Grim Beasts of Avan.

    The Beast has proven capable of crushing troll bones which can be proven by the fragments of troll bones that litter the Shadowvalley.

    In Kamengrad's history

    Many generations ago, Kamengrad was the largest and most prosperous city on the Mainland, easily outstripping Easthaven and Avan.

    As their population steadily increased, so did the city's economy. Demand for pork from the wildboars to the south skyrocketed in demand and the hunters responded by hunting even more frequently, oblivious to the fact that they had deadly competition.

    The Shadowvalley rock trolls had been hunting much closer to Kamengrad than they normally would, due to the abrupt shortage of their favorite prey: wildboars. Eventually, Kamengrad noticed the trolls and a hunting limit on wildboars was instituted.

    Unfortunately, the order came too late. While the trolls didn't become a problem, their vicious shadow had followed their trail far north. The natural order had already been broken, and it was only a matter of time before the Beast would cross paths with civilization.

    Kamengrad Massacre

    On the fateful day of the Kamengrad Massacre, the Beast of the Valley would forever make its mark on Kamengrad's history. All it took was a single day for the Brutal hellion to crush the city beneath its terrible claws and savage fangs.

    Unbeknownst to the survivors, this slaughter would forever change their city, and shape modern-day Kamengrad into what it is today.

    The only survivors of the Kamengrad Massacre had sought to learn from their mistakes, and now valued knowledge above all resources. This mindset would shape the core values of modern Kamengrad, being knowledge, and lack of ignorance.

    Even to this day, the influence of the Beast is still felt by Kamengrad. In the woods surrounding the city, the spirits of the dead roam, cursed by the Beast of the Valley to stand eternal vigil over their once great city.

    In Aendisean history

    It is widely believed among Kamengrad's researchers that Aendisea's Bane was summoned in a misguided attempt to kill the Beast of the Valley. There is no other problem that would warrant such an extreme response from the Aendiseans.

    One of the Beast's past lairs was also found north of the Ruins of Aendisea, which supports this theory. The Aendiseans were possibly being caged in by the Beast and their expansion might have been halted by the monstrous creature. Master Hunter Lav also recalls seeing large scars on the Beast, which the Aendiseans probably played a part in.

    submitted by /u/Illustrious_Worry761
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    how to reset farseer barrel?

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 11:19 AM PDT

    hi everyone i am new to VFO and i have 2 qns.
    1. how do i reset farseer barrel timer to spawn faster
    2. i had requested to join caste society clan but after 2 weeks status still showing awaiting reply from clan leader
    is there a way to contact whoever is the clan leader ?
    thanks in advance !

    submitted by /u/bumsteroid
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    just here to say hello to all

    Posted: 28 Jun 2021 04:20 PM PDT

    so I just wanted to say hello to everybody and see how you all doing today. and let me just say this is like far the way Barb way far better game that I played of anything else on here literally everything. but enjoy your day enjoy your night and enjoy this game because we all getting into it tonight have a good day y'all

    submitted by /u/Edward4675
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