• Breaking News

    Thursday, June 17, 2021

    Vampire's Fall: Origins I haven't played VFO in about 1.5 years, maybe. Just wondering where I should pick back up. I'm on Infernum and I'm level 77 with BiS gear (or was BiS 1.5yr ago)/all perk wings/50% helmet.

    Vampire's Fall: Origins I haven't played VFO in about 1.5 years, maybe. Just wondering where I should pick back up. I'm on Infernum and I'm level 77 with BiS gear (or was BiS 1.5yr ago)/all perk wings/50% helmet.

    I haven't played VFO in about 1.5 years, maybe. Just wondering where I should pick back up. I'm on Infernum and I'm level 77 with BiS gear (or was BiS 1.5yr ago)/all perk wings/50% helmet.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2021 07:44 AM PDT

    It's just overwhelming trying to get back into things. I'm just wondering where a good starting point would be.

    I stopped playing right around the time the expansion dropped... The new map to the north. Maybe a few weeks after that. I actually didn't finish the content in the northern map. Only some of it.

    Has anything new been added since then? Or is the game still pretty much vanilla from that point in terms of gear/strategies/mobs/bosses/etc?

    submitted by /u/Gotitaila
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