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    Friday, May 21, 2021

    Vampire's Fall: Origins I laughed my butt off when I saw this!!

    Vampire's Fall: Origins I laughed my butt off when I saw this!!

    I laughed my butt off when I saw this!!

    Posted: 20 May 2021 02:24 PM PDT

    Can I restore a previous character?

    Posted: 21 May 2021 07:56 AM PDT

    I used to play this game on a phone that got destroyed last year. How would I go about restoring the character that I had? On the menu screen for the game, it looks like I can only make a new one

    submitted by /u/Shadow_Jedi
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    How does max equip load work?

    Posted: 21 May 2021 12:56 AM PDT

    So basically, I have max equip load maxed out in bloodlines, also a bronze cape from God of Brutals that gives me a bonus to it (+21). However, even tho I have 52,30/96, I still get -10% dodge. It disappears if I remove any piece of equipment and is really annoying. Anyone got solution?

    submitted by /u/Just_Games04
    [link] [comments]

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