• Breaking News

    Thursday, January 21, 2021

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Made a clan to have a group of people to have fun with and have some competitive fun anyone is free to join if you are active have a nice day folks.

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Made a clan to have a group of people to have fun with and have some competitive fun anyone is free to join if you are active have a nice day folks.

    Made a clan to have a group of people to have fun with and have some competitive fun anyone is free to join if you are active have a nice day folks.

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 07:45 AM PST

    Questions. HP - Damage, Set items - Dungeons, Pets, Clans, Bats/Conjure/Poison

    Posted: 21 Jan 2021 07:26 AM PST

    Took a long break and i returned a few days ago to continue with the game. I reached level 65 and i just did my first rebirth. Now i got some questions about how i should proceed so please bear with me and all my questions that i can't find the specific answers i am looking for (or at least probably missed if there are any)

    Dungeons and set items : So are dungeons vital for getting set items? Before my rebirth i finally got enough red stones to try a few dungeons. I ended up with a mace from a set item that i didn't really want and a gauntlet from a set. Up until that point i was not aware of sets existing so are they only available from dungeons? And if so, are sets better in general than non-set items?
    I'll mention the caves i did just in case it matters. Hunter's demise, Dreary stairs, Buried ruins, The tunnels.

    Hp and damage : After my rebirth i tried to do another dungeon to see how it would be but to my surprise the first couple of enemies i came upon where about 21k hp. Through dodging, blocking and stunning i ended up killing them but the third one was a troll and he threw a rock and that was it for me lol, it did more than 1k damage and i have 716 hp. The dungeon was Watcher's Maze. So what should i be doing here? Or should i avoid dungeons till a bit later on?I imagine i'll meet my needs with new equipment, right? Or am i doing something wrong? On "Legendary" i'm focusing on TANK for now since i love the shield and how often blocking has saved my behind.

    Also pets. Are the pets something i should focus on getting? I noticed that while they give you a bonus they also give you something negative. If they are worth it, what would be great to focus on getting?

    As for clans, should i build one? Should i join one? What are the benefits of getting involved other than clan specific quests or competitions(?).

    And now the biggest question i have. So, i searched for answers on this one and i can't really find anything specific other than it's not worth it. Is it really not worth it? I played a little with conjure and bats and i saw that i can increase their damage, their heal potential and that they can also crit. Through that i looked at the dagger that adds magic damage and that it also poisons and it got me thinking about bats with increased damage/heal/crit chance, poison with increased damage/crit chance and conjure with again increased damage/crit chance and that small extra attack over 3 turns. Both bats and conjure can't miss too which makes the need for lowering dodge chance obsolete. Do these combos have any real use? Or are they too slow/low damage for them to matter?

    submitted by /u/TheArtOfVEL
    [link] [comments]

    noob question

    Posted: 20 Jan 2021 11:26 PM PST

    quite stupid question, but i'm struggling to find an answer xD. so i bought wings but cannot find them nowhere. i'm at 2nd map run lvl 57. do i need to finish game first ?

    submitted by /u/Einherjar94
    [link] [comments]

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