• Breaking News

    Tuesday, September 15, 2020

    Vampire's Fall: Origins I can't update, can't link my Google plate too

    Vampire's Fall: Origins I can't update, can't link my Google plate too

    I can't update, can't link my Google plate too

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 06:57 PM PDT

    Bat Swarm Familiar

    Posted: 15 Sep 2020 03:16 AM PDT

    Says it requires main story on painful. I'm on nightmare rebirth long past painful. Is there a fix for this bug? Or am I not understanding it

    submitted by /u/tinytim0
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    What to spend shards on?

    Posted: 14 Sep 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    I have ~850 shards saved up atm (end of Painful rebirth, level 70) and the only non-cosmetic stuff I can see are the 3 forms - shadow, scavenger, alchemist. Which should I be getting? Imo, scavenger looks best, with shadow being pure QOL (easier to run around uninterrupted) and alchemist looking kinda meh. Or is there something else I should be buying?

    submitted by /u/GankedByGoose
    [link] [comments]

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