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    Thursday, June 25, 2020

    Vampire's Fall: Origins So I did the Hunt for Sava, now what?

    Vampire's Fall: Origins So I did the Hunt for Sava, now what?

    So I did the Hunt for Sava, now what?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 08:49 PM PDT

    First time playing the game. Finished the last quest (accidentally pressed the button that lets Sava live, bummer. I wanted to kill him). So the question is..now what?

    I read the wiki here, looks like I can go rebirth for higher difficulty. What does that mean to the current difficulty? Do I have to do the quests all over again? Do I start back in Vamp'Ire? It says Brutals are not affected, does that mean the Brutals strength remain the same until you complete each tier?

    EDIT: What about the golem quest? That's the only thing left on my quest list. I haven't been able to beat the first golem.

    submitted by /u/atedja
    [link] [comments]

    found a bug. if you use fracture and attack with your main weapon your main weapon floats above you and goes crazy when you use it. it doesn't affect anything and just looks weird.

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 01:50 PM PDT

    Can I DL the app on my iPad and keep playing the account on my phone??

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 09:47 PM PDT

    Anyone know how to do this?

    submitted by /u/Valeforce
    [link] [comments]

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