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    Saturday, June 27, 2020

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Bloodmoon Dungeon

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Bloodmoon Dungeon

    Bloodmoon Dungeon

    Posted: 27 Jun 2020 05:55 AM PDT

    I tried the hard Bloodmoon dungeon. My poor ancient Android phone did not like that. My game crashed six times during fights with golem fire creatures. The game buttons become non-functional. Only thing I can do is close the game.

    Every time I returned Marid chided me for abandoning the battle and the monsters became stronger. After hours I finally got to the dungeon boss who had 800K HP. I died.

    That was frustrating. But I got almost an entire level, bloodstones, gold, and an extra Legendary skill point!

    submitted by /u/zygotepariah
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