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    Saturday, June 13, 2020

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Are blood moon fights a joke?

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Are blood moon fights a joke?

    Are blood moon fights a joke?

    Posted: 13 Jun 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    I have played this game almost since the beginning when you had to pay $10 to escape the first area. Now my character is level 80 and I have completed all the world brutals, the maze challenges, and am on the hardest difficulty (Infernum I think).

    I stopped playing for a while and then started again when the dungeons were added. I completed most of them except the hardest one (20 levels) that is almost impossible since you have to kill 80 or so monsters and you run out of potions almost right away.

    Today was my first blood moon and I was a little excited. I chose the hard monster since my character is basically a god. I was a little put back when the beast had 3M HP and hit me for roughly 5x my HP every time. Doing rough calculations I would have to survive about 15 combo turns to kill him which is certainly possible however very unlikely since one hit literally kills me.

    I abandoned the hard and went to the normal. He had 1M HP and hit me for about 1/2 my HP every time. It took me about 10 tries and then I eventually won. I was extremely surprised to see I only got about 150 gold from the fight. After killing 3 of those monsters I got a whopping 26 blood stones which is slightly more than a single day of crafting.

    Is this serious? What is the point? I can log in craft new bloodstones and be done in about 30 seconds vs fight insanely hard monsters and get almost nothing in return.

    submitted by /u/TelavianX
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