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    Vampire's Fall: Origins Level 100 prestige

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Level 100 prestige

    Level 100 prestige

    Posted: 30 Nov 2021 02:16 PM PST

    So one Idea I had for the game since I saw one guy talking about reaching 100 would be either

    A / game reset but your prestige points go towards base damage, game speed and such.

    B / become level 1 but you have prestige points to spend on more permanent bonus' you keep health and dps.

    C/ instead of hitting 100 keep going through permanently (101,102) each level to get extra legendary points

    I started rambling abit but would love for you guys and gal's to help refine the ideas, maybe send to developers once we refine it, as it could become an issue with people hitting 100 eventually

    submitted by /u/Ruthlessagression95
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