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    Tuesday, December 7, 2021

    Vampire's Fall: Origins How do you get to the Eastern half of the map on the second map?

    Vampire's Fall: Origins How do you get to the Eastern half of the map on the second map?

    How do you get to the Eastern half of the map on the second map?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2021 02:25 PM PST

    It seems like it's totally cut off by mountains. I've made it as far as Ironhold but haven't found a way to get further East.

    submitted by /u/PulseAmplification
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    What is this game?

    Posted: 07 Dec 2021 08:37 AM PST

    I saw it on I think Steam and was rated fairly highly so put it in the back of my mind to check out. I saw it was for free on the App Store a little while ago and downloaded it. I just started playing it today and it seems kind of interesting. I just got to Avan after dying to the Witchking, can someone explain this game to me? Is there much in the way of a story? How grindy is it? Does your starting bloodline matter much? How much in the way of social is there?

    submitted by /u/clarkky55
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    Bugs - I entered the Dreary Mire, and now my game keeps crashing [iOS]

    Posted: 06 Dec 2021 11:52 PM PST

    As the title says, but with one addition: it crashes immediately upon starting my save file.

    Yesterday, my game crashed after entering the Dreary Mire. Confused, I opened the app and get to the main menu. I selected my character. It went to the load screen. Then I got a few seconds of looking at my character, without the UI or anything, and then it booted me out of the game entirely. Rinse and repeat.

    I don't know what's happening, because it's never happened before - I've even entered the Mire before, so I don't really understand what was so drastic a change. There's only two things, really - one, disabling the movement compass being locked into one corner, and two, the main quest is sending me into the Mire now.

    Does anyone know what might have caused this? Or what, if anything, I can do to fix this? And if not, can someone point me towards somewhere I can report this to the devs? I looked for a bug report area or the like, but couldn't find one.

    submitted by /u/CollectorOfMyst
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