• Breaking News

    Saturday, November 27, 2021

    Vampire's Fall: Origins How to enter the hidden area beside the brutal catacombs, I'm sure you've all noticed it, the area with a lake and all sides covered by mountains. Is there any way to reach it?

    Vampire's Fall: Origins How to enter the hidden area beside the brutal catacombs, I'm sure you've all noticed it, the area with a lake and all sides covered by mountains. Is there any way to reach it?

    How to enter the hidden area beside the brutal catacombs, I'm sure you've all noticed it, the area with a lake and all sides covered by mountains. Is there any way to reach it?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2021 01:48 PM PST

    If u guys see the map of the mainland, below East Haven, in the left side (west of) the brutal catacombs there is an area with 2 lakes that's completely closed and not access able from any way that I know of. Is there a hidden cave or some to access it. Pls share. @moderators you need to tell me If there is a way to access that area

    submitted by /u/Vercetti007
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