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    Tuesday, August 17, 2021

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Finished the last Brutal Maze and got the cape maxed out, here's the side-by-side of God of Brutals Epic Pristine and the Maze Cape.

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Finished the last Brutal Maze and got the cape maxed out, here's the side-by-side of God of Brutals Epic Pristine and the Maze Cape.

    Finished the last Brutal Maze and got the cape maxed out, here's the side-by-side of God of Brutals Epic Pristine and the Maze Cape.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 09:59 AM PDT

    Death by Extended Combo

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 02:56 PM PDT

    The most annoying death of all. This time it was against Sava on Nightmare Rebirth. He put up Thorns, then Combo Round, I opt my usual strat, Debuffs, Bats, Conjure, and Bite to refill the <200HP I am down. Then I see the words that made me cry, Extended Combo, it was a Crit, Took off ~75% of Sava's 95kish HP, and all of mine. So a fight that is normally a piece of cake, and I would have won next round or two when the Thorns duration ended I now have to repeat. Normally I love Extended Combo, saved myself an extra round or two of battle with a good crit during EC, but today, I am just annoyed.

    Thank you for reading my Rant.

    submitted by /u/RavenIllusion
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