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    Thursday, April 15, 2021

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Haven't played in over a year. New game or try to pick back up? Few questions.

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Haven't played in over a year. New game or try to pick back up? Few questions.

    Haven't played in over a year. New game or try to pick back up? Few questions.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 01:54 PM PDT

    I had beaten the game, purchased whatever it was that let me open the barrels for free daily (a cloak or something maybe?) and I had gotten to like ng+7 or whatever, was just killing all the big rare bosses. Primals? (hard to remember exact names this far out lol.)

    When I quit, an expansion was going to be released with a new area. I tried logging back into that account and never saw that area or any addition to the game.

    What's the best bet here since I've forgotten a bunch anyway? Just start fresh? Beat the game so many times the first time idk if I'd wanna do it again lol. Will my purchase carry over? Same account just different save file. Where's the new area and when is that unlocked?

    submitted by /u/Heathhh
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