• Breaking News

    Friday, January 29, 2021

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Finally!

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Finally!


    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 04:23 AM PST

    3rd shady seller in Painful level

    Posted: 29 Jan 2021 01:33 AM PST

    Hello, just wanted to ask how to get the 3rd shady seller when he now sells capes?

    submitted by /u/Dex247
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    List of Wings

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 10:11 PM PST

    Is there a list of all the wings including the ones that get rotated out? I'm trying to decide if I should just buy 1950 wings now or if I should wait until I see a pair being offered that I like.

    submitted by /u/Hexofix
    [link] [comments]

    Join RIZER’s RAGE

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 02:06 PM PST

    clan join

    Posted: 28 Jan 2021 01:40 AM PST

    hello .. i need a clan to join please ..i couldn't find any active one till now , can anyone help pls?

    submitted by /u/Chemical_Mango8326
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    Banned or glitched??

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 11:22 PM PST

    Well i cant find any enemies but i can still chat am i banned or just bugged

    submitted by /u/Ornos-Kun
    [link] [comments]

    What must I grab onto for more crit. chances?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 05:18 PM PST

    Hello, you all. I genuinely want my build to have more chances on dealing critical damage. Is there anything else I have to afford for that?

    submitted by /u/hachingozaimas
    [link] [comments]

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