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    Friday, November 13, 2020

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Does Eai Ae Giems ever have anything in his lootbo... I mean loot barrels?

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Does Eai Ae Giems ever have anything in his lootbo... I mean loot barrels?

    Does Eai Ae Giems ever have anything in his lootbo... I mean loot barrels?

    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 09:20 AM PST

    Or like EA games will he just continue to take your money forever?

    submitted by /u/kronikDhedgehog
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    Posted: 13 Nov 2020 05:48 AM PST

    When is the next update and will it contain bows and also can you guys fix the skilltree for rebirths I feel like it should let you put more into the skill tree the more rebirths youve done

    submitted by /u/The_Salaminizer828
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    I've meant to post this yesterday but anyways, here it is.

    Posted: 12 Nov 2020 05:22 PM PST

    After many months I finally got 100 Daily Brutals Streak on my 2nd Character (first time in any of the three btw). This could had happend A L O T sooner had not been for:

    1st: Internet problems; 2nd: Me actually having discipline and good memory to make sure I indeed defeat the Daily Brutal instead of just being like "Yeah, sure, I very much probably did it but I don't remember".

    Wish I could post a picture.

    submitted by /u/TundraMeadow
    [link] [comments]

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