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    Vampire's Fall: Origins No ads available?

    Vampire's Fall: Origins No ads available?

    No ads available?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 09:43 PM PDT

    I've been having this problem the last few days. I normally choose to watch the ad boost for exp whenever it's offered, but the past few days it says "ad not available". I've tried closing and reopening, but it doesn't seem to help. Any advice? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Bulldog241
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    My guide for new players/beginners

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 10:56 AM PDT

    So a while ago I started playing this game and I got hooked. I'm posting this guide for two reasons:

    - When I play RPG games I tend to be really frugal with my gold spending, but I couldn't find many guides for beginners on how to acquire end-game items as efficiently as possible. I managed to get my Mangrove weapon having only spent 15,000 gold up to that point, and I wanted to share some info I hope will be helpful for new players.

    - If you don't spent your gold carefully you will have to spend a painful amount of time farming for your Mangrove weapon, because Mangrove weapons are both expensive (45-50,000 gold each) and essential to have if you want to progress through the endgame. This guide should ensure you won't have to do this.

    1. Codes
    2. Chests

    https://i.redd.it/h81frzi3qkx41.png shows you the location of all the chests in Map 1. These provide you with a lot of free gold and shards, you should collect all of them eventually.

    https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/694312613294899360/696416068377378816/denumald-treasure-chest-1.jpg shows you all the chests in Map 2 once you finish Map 1.

    3) Weapons and Quest progression

    I reached mangrove huts having only upgraded my weapon twice - the first weapon I bought was the 1800 gold katana in Avan as well as a dirt-cheap katana I got from a battle drop. Katana dual-wield enabled me to reach Easthaven before I couldn't win battles any more, but in hindsight I should have bought a 2000-3000 gold Axe or Greatsword for more consistent DPS, plus a cheap battle-drop shield for better survivability.

    Either of these setups will enable you to reach Eastguard (the final city on Map 1). You will cruise your way through Kamenguard, but you will have some difficulty between Kamenguard and Eastguard, and it won't be possible to progress through Eastguard with only a 2000-3000 gold weapon. When you get to Easteguard, *make sure you've completed as many side-quests as you can* (check the Wiki and Youtube for quest guides), and try to pick up all the chests. If you do this, you should be sitting on 12-15k gold.

    Don't buy any armor. When deciding which battle-dropped armor items to use, prioritise the items that give you greatest dodge.

    At this point I bought Druid's Axe (12000 gold) plus a 2000 gold shield, but in general you don't want to spend more than 20,000 gold before you reach Mangrove. This setup will let you finish Map 1 with ease.

    Once you reach Map 2, ignore the side-quests to begin with. Your main priority above all else is to reach Mangrove, which is locked until you progress through the story. With Druid's Axe plus a shield I was able to progress through the main storyline and reach Mangrove (the door guardians can be difficult, but they are definitely beatable, especially with maxed dodge + shield block bloodlines). Once you arrive at Mangrove huts you should be sitting on 40-50k gold and immediately buy your first Mangrove weapon (I would recommend Volcanic Smasher, Bloodmoon Axe, Glimmer or Windpiercer - I wouldn't recommend a katana or dagger, they aren't viable lategame). If you don't have enough gold, finish some side-quests and find more chests, but I would be surprised if you have less than 50k gold at this point.

    4) Blood lines

    At the start of the game you'll be levelling up quickly, which means you'll have a lot of points to invest in bloodlines. Prioritise Improved Focus Regen (20 points) and Focused Mind (10 or 20 points depending on your current max focus). Next, max out slashing expert (if you're using an axe or greatsword. Max piercing expert for spears/halberds or blunt expert for hammers and maces). Then, max out your dodge (30 points on greater dodge) and if you're using a shield (which I recommend), max out shield mastery and ranged defender. Once these are maxed, you should max gold/experience fever, and get backpacker + extra pocket because they're useful.

    5) Abilities

    These should be maxed in the following order: Bite, Sharpen, Fortify, Fracture. These all provide huge utility: Bite provides insane healing and does high damage in the early game, Sharpen literally doubles your damage (for four weapon attacks), Fortify lets you survive high-damage enemies really well and Fracture lets you deal more damage against high-hp enemies.

    6) Conclusion

    Congratulations, you've acquired your Mangrove weapon and got this far having only had to "waste" a total of 15000 gold on previous weapons. I believe this is close to the limit of what is achievable for gold-efficiency. Now you'll acquire the rest of your Mangrove set much sooner without having had to waste time farming.

    You'll cruise through the 2nd map with ease, and by the end of it you should have enough gold to buy the Mangrove shield corresponding to your weapon damage type, and 1 piece of armor (I would recommend platelegs of dawn for dodge, focus regen and max focus). If you've collected all the bloodstone and shard chests, you should rebirth immediately - a Mangrove weapon, shield and 1 armor piece is more than enough to cruise through the first rebirth, and buying the rest of the "improved" Mangrove armor pieces/accessories for gold will save you some bloodstones.

    submitted by /u/frostydawnoftitans6
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    equip bug

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 12:57 PM PDT

    Kindled gloves

    mystic pendant

    do not upgrade to pristine. The option is not there on the forge

    submitted by /u/cadaverescu
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