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    Friday, May 22, 2020

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Before I get questions about PVP reset. (More info in the comments)

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Before I get questions about PVP reset. (More info in the comments)

    Before I get questions about PVP reset. (More info in the comments)

    Posted: 22 May 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    Last challenge for the week! How high can you go??? �� (Check the comments to join! ��)

    Posted: 21 May 2020 10:44 PM PDT

    Got a really wonky build

    Posted: 21 May 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    I got the game recently, and now I have a very wonky build. I wanted to ask what you think of my current build, and of my respecc plan (I assume the thing in easthaven lets you put the points out anew?)

    So in my current build I only got piercing dmg & poison dmg for 'anger', but I am definitely thinking of changing that, poison isn't doing all that for me anymore, and I might want to switch to a mace or a greatsword. For vitality I put a ton of points into the FP and HP lines, so I could unlock and max out Vampiric Touch. That cost me 120 points, but vampiric touch heals me 20% of damage inflicted, including DOT. Is that really all that good though, compareativily? And on 'deceit' I put into dodge, dodging death and 10 pts into equip load. That's about it.

    I am thinking into respeccing into blunt dmg increase keep most of the FP increase and dodge, and then maybe maxing out gold & xp gain, until late play where I respecc out of those. Are there any preferred builds I could learn from though?

    submitted by /u/dartanous
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