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    Sunday, May 17, 2020

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Any idea which wild brutal I'm missing (one is enigma)?

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Any idea which wild brutal I'm missing (one is enigma)?

    Any idea which wild brutal I'm missing (one is enigma)?

    Posted: 16 May 2020 10:59 PM PDT

    A needed change to fundamental basics of battles

    Posted: 16 May 2020 01:25 PM PDT

    I wish to see a change to the fundamental of battles, remove a big part of the massive rng involved in this game.

    The idea is heavily focused on block, dodge and enemy damage output. In lategame battles and the later stages of the game block and dodge are the deciders between winning and losing pretty much every pvm battle, and a heavy decider in pvp aswell.

    I wish to see a balance, heavily reducing the chance to dodge (capping at maybe 20-30%).

    Changing block to REDUCE damage taken instead of removing all damage, making shield vs dual wield a reasonable discussion, dual wield today means instant death vs ex. Blood moon battles, as mobs oneshots you.

    • add a damage taken reduced in % when using weapon and shield.
    • add a damage dealt increase in % when using two weapons. This makes it a reasonable discussion when deciding between more damage or more defense

    Heavily rebalancing enemy damage output in later stages, Right now battles work like this, Every round you roll a dice, either you block, dodge or Cheat death. If you dont, the battle is over. NOTHING you do changes this, which makes it completely skill-less as you cant change the output at all, since rng decides your fate. Also, all damage is dealt in combo rounds, which means that every 2 round you have to pray even harder since no skills reduces your chances of dying, taking 69k damage with fortify.

    I rather see me being able to tank, regain life and duel a monster for real, now I pray and cross my fingers, if im lucky I win, if im unlucky I lose


    Maybe adding a self-buff skill tree,

    • Shield Block [(Shield only) Increase block damage reduce by 5-20% and shield block chance by 15-30% for 1 turn]

    • Frenzy [(Dual-wield only) Increase crit chance by 1-10% and damage by 10-20% for 1 turn]

    • Magic Shield [Reduce magic damage taken by 25-50% for 1 turn]

    • Regeneration [Heal for 1-5% of your total health for 3 turns]


    TL;DR change it so that you dont have to rely on RNG to win/lose any lategame ("pvm") battle thus balancing battles in PVM/PVP

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    submitted by /u/zeeeroaj
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    Wild brutal fire torches

    Posted: 16 May 2020 10:51 PM PDT

    Has anyone figured out which fires around the wild brutal god correspond to which brutals? Basically I'm asking because I can't figure out wich wild brutal I'm missing. I know one is the enigma because I just finished the quest line today but I also thought I had got everything else 🤔

    If anyone has figured out the fire sequence I thought that might be the most painless way of solving the problem. Any help would be appreciated! Happy hunting!

    submitted by /u/Jules_QB2
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    Should I Rebirth?

    Posted: 16 May 2020 07:22 PM PDT

    I've finished the game at level 61 and feel way OP. I did all the mainland side quests and got the first set of Brutals done. (Plus the next level of Enigma surprising me).

    Do you think I'm good to just Rebirth now or do you think I should carry out all the Side quests in the second map as well?

    The XP hardly does anything and I'm not completely sure what to expect when I do go through Rebirth.

    One last question. Does progress on Brutals reset as well? If it drops me to level 1 or whatever happens and Enigma pops up again I'm going to die and quick lol.

    submitted by /u/Obvious-Shelter
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    Can I change my characters name?

    Posted: 16 May 2020 06:03 PM PDT

    I'd like to rename my character if possible and I would restart to do so if I wasn't worried about losing my shards and gems. Is there any way to change your Characters name without creating a new character all together?

    submitted by /u/Dingle_Dump
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