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    Wednesday, March 11, 2020

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Reward for killing enigma not claimed

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Reward for killing enigma not claimed

    Reward for killing enigma not claimed

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 04:41 AM PDT

    I clicked the ad to double the xp but then the game closed, and when i open again i got the achievement but no reward on my inventory. Anything i can do to get the rewards for killing enigma?

    submitted by /u/Parasugot25
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    Let's talk about the endgame

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    As it is, this game has pretty much no endgame, the only thing even close to it are either mazes or PvP; and I have a problema with both of them. Although mazes are fine as landmarks to measure your current strenght there is no reason to even do them aside from the capes, wich arent that amazing... And PvP is beyond boring because we all have the god damn same skills, an do basically the same (to be fair i just played maybe 15 to 20 matches so there might be more to it but I certainly didnt enjoy what I played)

    Is there even something to look for after beating Epic god of brutals and finishing the Game two or three times? And dont get me wrong, I liked the story mode a lot and what I played until now was fun, but I dont know, give me something to grind for or new characters with different skills, hell, make drops fucking usefull, the only thing i still use from a drop are capes because u cant buy them, I simply dont understand how can every useful item be on the shop for sale on a rpg.

    I havent even completed nightmare but if ive seen everything there is to the Game I Guess ill leave and come back when they make a meanigfull update.

    If you disagree with me, im interested in having my mind changed, but as of now i feel like endgame is terrible

    submitted by /u/Drasil7
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    hola donde encuentro el mapa de oro de la primera parte de mapa gracias

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 10:37 AM PDT

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