• Breaking News

    Saturday, August 28, 2021

    Vampire's Fall: Origins On sale on Switch but

    Vampire's Fall: Origins On sale on Switch but

    On sale on Switch but

    Posted: 28 Aug 2021 01:50 AM PDT

    I already got really far on Android is there a way to move my account to switch,

    submitted by /u/soggy-salad
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    Little bug

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 07:11 PM PDT

    PVP matchmaking is convincing me to drop this game

    Posted: 27 Aug 2021 07:36 PM PDT

    I'm lvl 63 and getting matched with lvl 77's. Obviously, I stand no chance at all in such a match. Today I was matched with the same person three times in a row. For me, more than half of the reason to do rebirth and keep playing is to get gear for PVP. If PVP doesn't work, then I don't want to keep playing. I refuse to play a game all the way to max lvl before I can experience PVP.

    submitted by /u/Ddic01
    [link] [comments]

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