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    Thursday, August 20, 2020

    Vampire's Fall: Origins ~What I really think about this game regarding all of the recent updates~

    Vampire's Fall: Origins ~What I really think about this game regarding all of the recent updates~

    ~What I really think about this game regarding all of the recent updates~

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 09:24 PM PDT

    The Location of the game

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 12:28 AM PDT

    So recently I've been thinking about the location of the story. Of course the map is a made up place but could It take place someone where that exists today. The biggest clue in this game is sava savonic. I was thinking it could be set in Serbia but I started to not beileve that. In the story of sava he ran a well and became a vampire while running it so he wasn't already one. Unless he had not drank enough blood and he fainted. Spoiler alert. At the end of the second island sava savonic can be killed or in prisoned for a thousand years. He could be cured by the end of that. The legend of sava savonic is set in 1775. So if my theory is true the game is set in 775. Even more in the 8th century the state of serbia was founded. Also if my history is correct this was when England was founded to fight the vikings. The 8th century also makes sence for all the weapons they have. I remember the abyss can grant powers so what would sava savonic want the most. To be human or to die. The camp he had was near a river and most likely up a mountain. That would mean he would have people at the huts to sell water to. He never had any friends or family because they all would have died. In ubran legend he lived in a shack in Bajina basta and he lived next to a river. Sadly this doesn't tell you where the first part of the game is set. Although this could confirm that the second map or island is actually in the municipality of bajina basta or at least that side of the map. But hey that's just a theory a game theory thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/stonecoldderp
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    Three spirit brother bug

    Posted: 19 Aug 2020 07:34 PM PDT

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