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    Saturday, August 29, 2020

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Rebirth

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Rebirth


    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 04:50 AM PDT

    is there anything important i should do before my first rebirth

    submitted by /u/bathroomman42
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    Does Rebirth affects Mazes? Plus, are Dungeon's reward static?

    Posted: 29 Aug 2020 06:02 AM PDT

    I should know that after being level 77-80 for so long but I was wondering if they respawn with Rebirth. I was doing the Watcher's Maze just for fun just to see if I could Conjure my way out of it which surprisingly worked but then I noticed that once I was done with it I could not do it again as the Maze symbol simply vanished... so my guess is that either Mazes respawn with Rebirth or you only get one shot at them per character. Anyways, am I right on anything here? Or is it something completely different?

    And for my final question: How does Dungeons aside from the Endless one work? I done like the Aendisea one the very first one (can't remember name atm) and all I got from them was a Blood Armor Set (one piece each Dungeon). Not impressive for me on my main character but kinda cool 😍 Anyways, are the final rewards from all Dungeons (minus Endless cuz duh) static, as in, Dungeon X always A reward, Dungeon Y always gives B reward, Dungeon Z always gives C rewards and so on...

    submitted by /u/TundraMeadow
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    Mor Nyth

    Posted: 28 Aug 2020 05:24 PM PDT

    how do you get here? just a road but the wagons and tents block it?? can't get here help..

    submitted by /u/OomaHuntress
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