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    Friday, July 3, 2020

    Vampire's Fall: Origins One time purchase wings

    Vampire's Fall: Origins One time purchase wings

    One time purchase wings

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 06:56 AM PDT

    Just wanted to know if the one time purchase called expansion the wings that it gives "wings of denumald" . Are those wings of the highest tier available? Or do i save shards for other wings?

    submitted by /u/liuxsis
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    Early Character Build up Questions !

    Posted: 03 Jul 2020 05:06 AM PDT

    Guys I've been playing it for just 5 days and hot damn , this is like Divinity Original Sins for android. Anyways should I yield a shield or knife in the early game ? I'm just lvl 12 now , wondering where to invest !! Slashing, Piercing, Thrusting ?? I've read the beginners guide and investing points on focus , bite etc. Just need an expert's opinion regarding whether yielding a shield is rewarding when you're lvl 60+ ! Or should I use knife which does insane bleeding dmg & kill enemies/PVP adversaries instantly after 5/6 blows. Please help me with your opinion about getting a good gear / weapon combo. Thanks in advance.

    submitted by /u/Arny666
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    Waiting times for wild brutals?

    Posted: 02 Jul 2020 07:50 PM PDT

    Fairly new at this, just realized needed to kill god brutals to complete equipment for bonus, so sent my character back to first map. Easy to kill guard brutals (got the cape of the god of guard brutals), but wild brutals need to manifest themselves, and the Styx, the Tusk Trio, and Lernean never show up. Must have killed over 60 swamp soldiers in the Mire, similar number of graveyard spirits in Angel Cemetery, and gotten very bored with Bore boars in Borewood :-), all with no luck... All that took a few hours of turning round and round in each of these three areas, basically for nothing, since all characters are under 500 health pts. I must be doing something wrong, since it pretty much kills the interest in the game. My character has not gone through rebirth, is at level 60; I tried hunting those three with and without the green potion. Any hints much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/bath-bunny
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