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    Sunday, March 29, 2020

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Merchant restock - question

    Vampire's Fall: Origins Merchant restock - question

    Merchant restock - question

    Posted: 29 Mar 2020 04:55 AM PDT

    Hi there fellow vamps...

    Im new to the game and Id like to ask if merchants restock at all (other than adter rebirth)

    What i wonder about is - if i get to infernum difficulty and then decide to get all the gear and stuff I want.. will I be bound to only get 1 item of each or could I buy more ?

    E.g. id like to get dual katana build and ill ofc want 2 of the best katanas .. will i be able to get them or should i buy one of everything before i enter last rebirth?

    Also.. is it even possible to wear 2 of the same mythic weapons/rings at the same time ?


    Thank you..

    submitted by /u/OwlDR
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